2024 – Bring it on!

The Grand Rapids Rowing Club has been working tirelessly throughout the winter to provide the best rowing experience for its club members, new rowers, and the wider rowing community. On March 23, despite frigid temperatures here in Michigan, we will have our docks in. Our Junior Rowing team has a busy spring season and we want to give them every water advantage possible. We are SO proud and impressed by our amazing Junior coaches and their enthusiastic crew. Our club rowers have already contributed many hours prepping the boathouse, getting equipment ready, clearing the grounds (we have an interesting beaver situation near our lagoon), and updating information on all social media platforms. Whew! It is always “all hands on deck” but we wouldn’t want it any other way. Our club is the best because we have such dedicated members who are also a ton of fun! We are looking forward to hosting the 2024 Grand Regatta on June 29 as well as a Coxswain Clinic on April 27 and three 1-day community Learn-To-Row Days throughout the summer. Check out the updated information on our website pages and join us on the river.